Volunteer Centre - Recruitment

Join the Volunteer Centre of the Warsaw Rising Museum today! If you care about constant personal development, gaining new experience and skills; if you want to help us coordinate innovative projects, widen your horizons and meet new people… we’re there for you!

To apply you have to be at least 14 years old or above and there are two paths to choose from:

  1. Permanent (lasts 3 months or more):

An interview with a representative of the Volunteer Centre (confirmation of the interview date previously required!). During this meeting we want to know you better, present our expectations and discuss the principles for cooperation.

3 training courses follow before you fully join us in our work!

  1. Short-term (for the purposes of “Freedom Unites’ Action):

Verification of your application form by our Volunteer Centre experts.

2 training courses follow to prepare you for action volunteering.

See also
