Marian Grabski „Wyrwa“

Marian Grabski „Wyrwa“ (668)

Lt. Marian Grabski "Wyrwa" was born on 2 October 1897 in Łódź. Before the war, he made a degree in law and worked as a lawyer. A member of the Security Corps of the Home Army's Warsaw Region, he fought in Wola, Old Town and City Centre. Following the capitulation, he left the city among civilians. He died on 9 January 1965 in Warsaw.

Marian Grabski's photo collection includes more than 800 negatives taken in City Centre North and South. Apart from documenting the devastation, they show the life of the insurgents and civilians, posed scenes of combat, hospital activities, and ceremonies held in the courtyards of the city's townhouses. The most interesting of his photographs include images of the field hospital in the Jabłkowski Brothers' Department Store at Bracka Street, and of the evacuation of the civilian population before the end of the Rising. Grabski portrayed his co-workers and friends, and children who assisted the insurgents.

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